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What is ISO 9000?

Posted on August 23, 2022 by Raphael Corns

ISO 9000 refers to a group of international standards developed by professionals from all over the world. These standards make it possible for companies to create in-house excellent standard systems and to track their current quality systems. The criteria were developed and are maintained by the International Organization for Standardization and are employed in over 90 countries worldwide. The criteria set within ISO 9000 are thought of as generic since they can apply to any company, product or service whatever the industry.

The International Organization for Standardization first developed criteria for quality management in 1987 and has updated it twice since then. According to the organization, the criteria were developed to improve the expanding international marketplace. With a set of criteria that has met widespread approval, and individuals of all countries can recognize and understand their worth.

ISO 9000 has rapidly become the top set of criteria for companies throughout the planet. Quality management saves time, money and ensures clients are happy. Since many managers ask the question,"What is ISO 9000?" Many sources for information have become available.

"9000" identifies five criteria which aren't specific to any specific company or industry. These criteria don't reflect the quality of products or service, but instead refer to the way a company ensures its quality level. Registration and certification as compliant with ISO 9000 means that the company adheres to the strict set of criteria as determined by an independent auditor. Employee relations, record keeping, product testing, and response to problems are among some of the areas which are covered in ISO certification.

Whether big or small, ISO 9000 standards are broadly accepted in virtually every developed country. Having a set of quality criteria has shaped the new millennium's global market and provides for increased customer service and employee relations. A business which has experienced ISO 9000 certification essentially guarantees they are true to their word. This provides customers and clients a feeling of satisfaction and reassurance.